A Critical Examination of the Concept of Arabicness in the Holy Quran

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Muhammad Amin Amini
Muhammad Abu Najmi


The Qur'an stands as the ultimate celestial scripture, revealed in the Arabic language to a prophet residing in the Arabian Peninsula. Subsequent to the advent of Prophet Muhammad, no other prophet has emerged nor will emerge. Consequently, the message of the Quran will endure as long as the Earth exists. The Quran repeatedly employs the term "Arabicity" in its self-description and characterization. Most Islamic exegetes interpret this designation as implying the Arabic language as the medium of the Quran's revelation. In light of the etymological roots of the term "Arabic," this interpretation seems far-fetched. Such an understanding of the Quran's Arabic nature leads to the misinterpretation of several Quranic concepts and has caused some to believe that the Quran's audience is solely Arabic speakers. This essay, by consulting early Islamic lexicographical sources and examining numerous verses, demonstrates that "Arabicness" in the context of the Quran signifies clarity, elucidation, eloquence, impeccability, and freedom from ambiguity and complexity in its message.


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Research Article (Persian)