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Sarah Vega Ramos


21st-century innovative learning style necessitates thinking skills to develop a curriculum. This study sought to enhance education in terms of using media technologies. This research investigated the experiences of the participants utilising the case study design. The research was made online with the ten (10) participants who underwent distance learning due to COVID-19. The researcher used the instrument which revealed six themes that formed the individual case description. The servant leadership theory was used as a theoretical framework in the analysis. In the context of the curriculum, this study employed online instruction and overall program retention. The curriculum is updated and upgraded in response to the needs of the learners. It was found out that higher-order thinking skills were seen as active learning in terms of instruction and learning efficiency. Consequently, in the context of Servant Leadership, it revealed that one must strive hard to understand employees’ perspectives and intentions particularly on their adjustment in utilising high technology demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic impact on education. 

Keywords: 21st-century rich media technologies, COVID-19 pandemic, servant leadership


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