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Oktavianus Oktavianus


Every ethnic group in the world has its own cultural identity. It marks the characteristic and indicates the uniqueness of a particular ethnic group. The landscape of cultural identity is very complex and dynamic. Continuous studies are needed. This research is an attempt to investigate the landscape of cultural identity of one ethnic group in Indonesia. The research is conducted on Rumah Makan Minang (RM Minang) – the culinary business of Minangkabau people of West Sumatera. The signs used at RM Minang are assumed to represent cultural identities. The data for this research is taken from RM Minang in Sumatera, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sulawesi, Papua and Kuala Lumpur. The analysis of data is conducted from the perspective of the linguistic and nonlinguistic landscape through multimodal approach. In terms of the form, the result of the analysis indicates that the landscape of cultural identity at RM Minang consists of linguistic and nonlinguistic signs marking Minangkabau, national and foreign cultural identity. In terms of design, the landscape of cultural identity at RM Minang always uses different semiotic modes in one text to construct cultural identity. 

Keywords: landscape, cultural identity, linguistic sign, nonlinguistic sign, Rumah Makan Minang (RM Minang)


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