The role of KIBS on digital transformation and technological changes in the Spanish publishing industry

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Marta Magadán-Díaz
Jesús Rivas-García


The present study analyzes, by means of the online survey method, the role of KIBS in the processes of digital transformation and technological change of Spanish publishing companies. The general goal of this research is to explore the effects produced over Spanish publishing companies in interacting with KIBS as facilitators, bearers and generators of innovation. Some other more specific objectives linked to this general goal are the following ones: a) to determine the role of transaction costs as drivers of the outsourcing of knowledge management systems through KIBS; and b) to understand to what extent the interaction of publishers with KIBS promotes in those the introduction of new business models. Through the survey conducted among 310 Spanish publishers, it is concluded that: i) the extension of the relationship between publishers and KIBS moves from the production subsystem to the distribution one; ii) the link between their respective value chains is perceived as profound enough to turn KIBS into facilitators, bearers and generators of the innovation required by the Spanish publishing companies; and iii) KIBS are the fundamental axis for the adoption of new business models.


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How to Cite
Magadán-Díaz , M., & Rivas-García, J. . (2021). The role of KIBS on digital transformation and technological changes in the Spanish publishing industry. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 26(1), 83–101.


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